[geeks] Job searching and recruiters

velociraptor velociraptor at gmail.com
Mon Jan 29 19:03:16 CST 2007

On 1/25/07, Bill Bradford <mrbill at mrbill.net> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 25, 2007 at 05:32:14PM -0500, Aaron Finley wrote:
> > I have a question nobody can seem to give me a straight answer on. I
> > actually formally updated my resume
> > (http://www.arnach.net/public/resume.pdf), and submitted to a variety
> > of places to begin the process a week ago.
> As much as I dislike the "not related to my resume at all" spam I get
> from them, you want to make sure that you add your data to sites like
> DICE, Monster, and hotjobs.

In addition to Bill's suggestion, I would advise a web-spider-able
version of your resume (perhaps with your email addy protected from
harvest) at your web site so that the search engines pick it up.  My
very stale resume on such a web site has resulted in a couple of cold
call emails that have been closer than 90% of the junk I get from
Monster.  YMMV.

Your best, bet, however, is to get out there and network with other
SA's and SA-types at your local LUGs and other tech-friendly events.
Become known for your expertise(s), and people will *ask you* if you
are looking for a job.  Search Yahoo Groups and Google's non-Usenet
groups as well as using Google search itself to find job mailing
lists/interest groups in the locations you want to find a job.

Networking is the best way to find a job, and it's the weakest tool in
most IT folks' toolboxes, IMO, myself included.  It's largely due to
the fact that most of us are introverts and would just rather muck
around in the boxes quietly by ourselves than go out and press the
flesh so-to-speak.

If you can afford it, call the more intelligent-sounding recruiters
who wrote those emails on the phone and chat them up about what they
have available.  Recruiters generally prefer the phone to email.  Put
a bug in their ear about what you want and where and when you want it,
then ping them periodically to let them know you are still looking.


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