[geeks] Vista cost

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Tue Jan 30 18:01:22 CST 2007

Lionel Peterson wrote:
>>>> Now imagine having to do that on a critical server, or even a  
>>>> personal
>>>> situation where delay hurts you, or maybe you don't even have the
>>>> ability to authorize the new machine for whatever reason.
>>> Thankfully, Vista is not a Server OS :^)
>> It will be in 18 months to 2 years or so time (in reality who the  
>> hell knows when they'll finish it!!??) - and you can bet your bottom  
>> dollar Longhorn Server will have all the same file system anti-features.
> That would go against tradition - in the MS world, features tend to go from server platforms to desktop platforms, not the reverse...

What about the XP -> 2003 progression?

Peace...  Sridhar

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