[geeks] Laptops taken out of the U.S.

Patrick Giagnocavo patrick at zill.net
Tue Jul 3 00:48:00 CDT 2007

On Jul 3, 2007, at 1:10 AM, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
> First of all, the only brand that you can buy and be 100% sure that it
> will be fixed when you get to France is APPLE. WHile you are at it
> buy the extended AppleCare warranty. As somone else said, it's a
> computer, not a lifestyle. While I like MacOS, if your wife does not,
> the new ones run Windows perfectly well. They can be set up to boot
> directly into Windows and run only Windows, if that's what she wants.
I am pretty sure that Toshiba would have a similar policy.


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