[geeks] UNIX-like OS for a laptop

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue Jul 10 12:10:16 CDT 2007

On Tue, 10 Jul 2007, Sridhar Ayengar wrote:

>> I have run those with and without a DE.
>> They run far better with a DE in my experience.
> You keep telling me what you *don't* mean by "desktop application" and
> you never tell me what you *do* mean.

He means "desktop applications"!  You know, those things!

Uh, those things that everyone runs that require KDE or GNOME.  You
know, like, uh...stuff.

Oh come on, there has to be -some reason- those bloated piles of trash
exist, right?

Oh right, because the folks developing them really wish they were
running Windows, but can't admit it.

Jonathan Patschke ) "When they turn the pages of history, when these
Elgin, TX        (   days have passed long ago, will they read of us
USA               )  with sadness for the seeds that we let grow?
-                (               --Neil Peart, "A Farewell to Kings"

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