[geeks] Amazing Discovery

Kevin R. Marshall kevin at mpcf.com
Wed Jun 20 09:23:33 CDT 2007

.... back side of a well worn laserdisc cover 

...maybe not the best, but it's what was in reach last night when
i tried to use my new bluetooth Apple MM on a glass table :)

Normally i use a black leather monogrammed Levenger mouse pad
(gift from mom many Christmas' ago).  At first it was horrible,
but it later was worn down to a smooth surface that works great. 
It's been in service now for at least nine years.


On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 09:39:35 -0400
Sridhar Ayengar <ploopster at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sandwich Maker wrote:
> > " From: Sridhar Ayengar <ploopster at gmail.com>
> > " 
> > " I have just discovered the *perfect* surface on which to
use an optical 
> > " mouse.  The inside of a flat-rate UPS express envelope.  I
knew those 
> > " things had to be useful for something.  I just cut one
apart and taped 
> > " it to my desk.  My mouse glides great now.  And the best
part is it's free!
> > 
> > tyvek - it's a vapor barrier -and- a mouse pad...
> The color is also too uniform.  Makes my mouse jump all over
the place.
> Peace...  Sridhar
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