[geeks] OpenVPN on Solaris

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Wed Mar 21 12:56:08 CDT 2007

On 21/03/2007, at 19:17, Micah R Ledbetter wrote:

>> The sshfs I use works with MacFUSE and does have a GUI:

> the non-GUI, non-MacFUSE one might be more robust. I haven't  
> actually tested
> either one to know for sure.

I use the macFUSE one from the command line and am *very* happy with  
it.  I can't report specifics, except to say it works well, and is as  
stable as I could hope for.

jerusalem:~ sambo$ sshfs --version
SSHFS version 1.7
FUSE library version: 2.6.3


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