[geeks] Samsung 204B LCD bug, and a fix for it

Steve Haavik shaavik at soc.lib.md.us
Mon May 7 11:14:21 CDT 2007

I've got one with the same problem. The ATI control center software (which 
is junk by the way) has an option to reduce the display bandwidth. 
Unfortunately I have to disable it and re-enable it after every reboot. 
Last week I loaded up Powerstrip and that has been pretty good about 
letting me do the same thing without the bloat of having a .NET 
application running full time.

If I remember I'll try calling Samsung tonight to see if I can get them to 
replace the thing. I really have to wonder how they could ship a product 
without knowing that there was a design flaw that meant it couldn't do the 
1600x1200x60 that it's supposed to be designed for.

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