[geeks] Amiga 2000 acelerator card?

Mark md.benson at gmail.com
Tue May 8 02:25:12 CDT 2007

On 8 May 2007, at 07:04, Kevin wrote:

> It would appear that the fur has already sprouted.
> http://dade.mpcf.com/picX/misc/Amiga_4000_mobo_battery_damage_back.jpg
> http://dade.mpcf.com/picX/misc/ 
> Amiga_4000_mobo_battery_damage_front.jpg
> I haven't tried to power it on, but looking as it does, i don't  
> think i
> want to until i can get it fixed up.
> Any recommendations as to how i can clean this up and restore it to  
> working
> order?

Yeh this is sadly very common on A4000s.

Cut/desolder the battery off ASAP. That's always a good start.

You could try carefully try and clean off the fuzz with some  
isopropyl alcohol or similar, but be careful you don't lift any  
tracks. The A4000 motherboard is a multi-layer too, so care is  
required. That said my 4000 has a bit of fuzz around the battery area  
(the battery has long since been removed) but it seems to work ok.  
The damage on yours, especially on the underside, looks bad however.

Mark Benson

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