[geeks] Mensa

James Fogg James at jdfogg.com
Thu May 10 21:53:07 CDT 2007

> Are there any Mensans here?  I've been thinking of joining,
> and I was wondering if anyone would care to describe their experience.
> Peace...  Sridhar

I found them to be offensive, exclusive and arrogant. I also found many
of them weren't particularly smart in any way that produced useful
real-world skills. It's a club for those who were excluded from social
clubs in school and wish to exact revenge in adulthood. And for some
reason their favorite IQ tests are language/word oriented. They seem to
dislike mathematics, and abhor mechanical/spatial skills. Someone had
the nerve to mention that since I couldn't qualify with a language/word
test perhaps I didn't belong (and the person clearly would have been
lost in a mechanical/spatial test).

So, I didn't join, and I promptly questioned why I was hanging around
with that crowd.

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