[geeks] Mensa

Aaron Finley aaronfinley at gmail.com
Fri May 11 22:30:10 CDT 2007

> It was one part of a battery of tests taken over a 3-5 day period (not sure
> anymore), and it was an attempt by my parents to get at the root of the
> "Lionel is not woking up to his potential" mantra from my teachers... THis
> was back in those golden days when doctors were just "discovering" learning
> disabilities...

My mother has gone from teaching special ed., to being a special
education resource teacher, to being the coordinator of gifted ed. for
a public school district. So much has changed since the time period
you mention that she is constantly researching and trying to introduce
new intiatives. It's amazing how poorly any sort of deviance from the
"norm" was handeled in the past.

In any case, I took the IQ test, got placed in seminar, and then got
bumped out of that because I could never sit still in school. So they
brought in a high school math teacher to "tutor" me, and he was a
rather interesting person. He'd tear down the road to school on his
Harley, pull up, and begin lecturing me on how to program a TI-81 or
82 in assembly. And to think I graduate college in a week..

-- Aaron

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