[geeks] Network Slowness

Michael Vergallen mvergall at telenet.be
Thu May 24 13:11:27 CDT 2007

Sridhar Ayengar wrote:
> Caleb Shay wrote:
>> I work for a company that makes network backup software for virtual
>> machines, I've done every test under the sun for checking network
>> throughput :)  You will almost never see more than 20 MB/s on
>> SSH/SCP/SFTP transfers, not matter how fast your media is.
> Anyway, I'd be happy with 20MB/s.  I'm getting *5*.

I would personally suspect the cables if you only get 5 MB/s on that 
network ... I've had that happen to me on a network that I installed for 
a client and it turned out to be bad cabling.

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