[geeks] KVM revisited

John Francini francini at mac.com
Tue Oct 2 12:30:39 CDT 2007

Sounds like massively stupid behavior on the part of the device  
makers.  You'd think they'd WANT their devices to work well when  
there was a KVM between them and the computer!

Short sighted lawyerly stupidity at its finest.


On 2 Oct 2007, at 13:26, nate at portents.com wrote:

>> But why can't the KVM get that response from the monitor and save  
>> it to
>> send to the various computers hooked up to it?
> KVM makers were sued for 'emulating' the USB devices attached to  
> them (the
> USB device makers claimed it violated their intellectual property  
> to allow
> another device to pretend to be their device), and I imagine that if
> monitor makers haven't already threatened to sue KVM makers, the KVM
> makers are afraid they will get sued by the monitor makers if they  
> try to
> do the same thing with DDC/EDID.
> - Nate
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