[geeks] T-3 Coax as Audio Cable

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Fri Oct 5 20:29:54 CDT 2007

> I honestly wouldn't mind doing that.  Wouldn't decent speaker wire be 
> more money, though?  I understand that the s/n would be a lot higher 
> even with the interference from the cable run, since the signal level is 
> so much higher, but is there anyone out there making coaxial cable 
> capable of carrying 150W RMS signal?  I also already know about that 
> overpriced twisted pair speaker wire out there.
> Peace...  Sridhar

If you don't mind a thicker cable, RG-8 should handle it.  It can
handle a kilowatt or two at RF.


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