[geeks] "Facebook isn't the internet, dipshit."

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue Oct 9 21:07:11 CDT 2007

On Tue, 9 Oct 2007, Micah R Ledbetter wrote:

> http://www.joethepeacock.com/2007/10/unordered-list-of-thoughts-i-had-
> during.php

    "Okay, so wait - Now we're adding YouTube onto the
     Digg-a-book-apedia-r site you want to miraculously create in six

Ohhh, the pain!  I just worked on a project that started out as "hey, we
want a newsertainment site to post articles that subliminally push
$product" and somehow mutated into the above.  Thankfully, they ran out
of funding -after- they'd paid-to-current and I'd cashed the checks.

The only other difference was that they couldn't wait six months.  They
thought I was being difficult when I said that it'd be unreasonable to
create something like that in four -weeks-.

I completely understand the enthusiasm at having some great new idea (or
at least a twist on an old one) and wanting to get it built now-now-now
before someone else does it better, but if the barrier to getting there
was so low that these things -could- be done in nearly zero time, people
like me wouldn't be necessary!  On one hand, it's easy to laugh, but, on
the other, it's a little sad because of the depth of misunderstanding
that's evident in thinking that these sorts projects won't take any real
outlay of equipment, infrastructure, or talent.

Jonathan Patschke     )  "So far, 99% of illegal activity has been caused
Elgin, TX            (    by criminals."
USA                   )                                    --David Willis

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