[geeks] FYI: CompUSA is offering OS X 10.5 for $99 (after rebate)

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Fri Oct 26 10:27:13 CDT 2007

Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> On Oct 26, 2007, at 1:27 AM, Rick Hamell wrote:
>> No. Compusa closed their stores because of Walmart. There were  
>> several news
>> articles about it, but essentially a couple of Christmas Shopping  
>> Seasons
>> ago Walmart reduced Big screen TV prices 30% below their cost.  
>> Compusa lost
>> millions and wasn't able to recover.
> TVs appearing in CompUSA neatly coincided with their going rapidly  
> downhill.  That's the same moment they greatly reduced their computer  
> related inventory, and I think that hurt them a lot.  I talked to  
> some people who said that almost instantly when they moved into TVs  
> big-time, they lost tons of corporate contracts and it hurt them  
> badly chain-wide.
> Then Wal-Mart starts dumping.
> Yeah, I can see that chain of events hurting them plenty.
> Wal-Mart sucks.  They've destroyed so many other companies, and we  
> just let them do it.

Yeah, but CompUSA sucked too.  I could never find anything I needed 
there.  It was all cheap consumer computer garbage.

There's another computer store here in town, which is privately owned, 
and I have no trouble finding everything from tools to SCSI cables.

Peace...  Sridhar

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