[geeks] FYI: CompUSA is offering OS X 10.5 for $99 (after rebate)

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue Oct 30 10:41:29 CDT 2007

On Tue, 30 Oct 2007, Phil Stracchino wrote:

>>> What do you think about someone like Ron Paul?  He's on the
>>> republican ticket, but he's a pretty solid libertarian.
>> He's a xenophobic twit who has collected every nut in the U.S. behind
>> him.
> Where do you get "xenophobic"?

Possibly because Paul proposes the unpopular notion that the US military
should actually defend the US's interests[0], instead of being an
extension of the IDF and the UN.  How horrible of him/us!

> And you're blaming this on the split government?  The Democrats
> haven't so much as mustered the gumption to blow their noses since
> they gained control of Congress.  It's all BushRoveCo's work.

The Federal Reserve have been all too keen to help out.  Bernanke's
policies have done wonders to promote hyperinflation.

Ironically enough, the exchanges seem to be helping out, too:


I'd suspect that the money in the hands of people that matter isn't in
US dollars, these days.  It's either in real commodities or Euros.

[0] Which, right now, should be concentrated on border security, if
     we're really supposed to be wetting our pants over te'rists invading
     our country and blowing the place up.
Jonathan Patschke     )  "So far, 99% of illegal activity has been caused
Elgin, TX            (    by criminals."
USA                   )                                    --David Willis

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