[geeks] FYI: CompUSA is offering OS X 10.5 for $99 (after rebate)

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Tue Oct 30 14:37:13 CDT 2007

>From: Phil Stracchino <phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net>
>Date: 2007/10/30 Tue PM 01:06:26 CDT
>To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: Re: [geeks] FYI: CompUSA is offering OS X 10.5 for $99 (after rebate)


>Heh.  The possibility hadn't occurred to me, but I wouldn't put it past
>her.  I read a fairly detailed analysis a while back explaining a
>lengthy list of reasons why [the writer asserted] Hillary Clinton is in
>practical terms unelectable, much of which consisted simply of listing
>all the voter blocs she's alienated who wouldn't vote for her unless
>someone held a gun to their heads.  (Some of which were quite surprising
>at first thought - for instance, apparently there are large feminist
>blocs who won't risk voting for her because they're convinced that if
>she's the first woman President, she'll be the last.)

Hillary has a nearly 50% NEGATIVE approval rating, meaning almost 50% of the country actively dislikes her, that's a big hole to dig yourself out of, IMHO.

I also like how her people are trying to convince everyone that 25% of the republican women will "Jump Ship" to vote for her in the general election. I fail to sense that will come to be. Most women I know won't vote for her - some becuse she seems so smug and acts as if she is pre-ordained, the others just don't like her and what she stands for (political difference of opinion)...


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