[geeks] Goodbye, I guess

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Tue Sep 4 07:39:13 CDT 2007

>From: wa2egp at att.net
>Date: 2007/09/03 Mon PM 03:00:05 CDT
>To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: Re: [geeks] Goodbye, I guess

>> My wife & I just got back from a small town in CT, and the local paper had an 
>> interesting "new school year" feature: They put the new teachers names, photos, 
>> educational background, subject to be taught and salary (along with "FTE" 
>> inication, "FTE" is a Full Time Equivalent indicator)...
>> Lionel
>Oh boy.  Some would be upset with the salary info being public but that is public information.  But a FTE?  Sounds like one system I knew that used to give teachers three or four classes instead of five then refuse tenure when they reached their three years and a day.  

The FTE was used to show why a certain teacher was making the highest salary (1.2 FTE), and a few others were making low salaries (.6 and .75 FTE).

>During a strike, one local town printed the salary guide to embaress the teacher's union.  The next day the union printed the salary guide of the board members.  That was an eye-opener.

The average salary is the only number really talked about here in my local (NJ) district, and it is pretty high. The school board and the teachers are at an impasse regarding a new contract - the school board wants teachers to contribute to their health insurance, they (obviously) prefer to have it paid 100% by the school board.

Personally, I hope the union goes on strike and the teachers have to contribute towards healthcare AND don't get back pay for the time they spend "on the picket line"...


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