[geeks] Teachers

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Wed Sep 5 12:10:25 CDT 2007

>From: Hicheal Morton <mh1272 at gmail.com>
>Date: 2007/09/05 Wed AM 10:36:48 CDT
>To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: Re: [geeks] Teachers


>Lionel wrote: "...salary in our district is over $64K/year - that is
>take-home pay (less taxes/union dues/etc)..."
>It was take home pay!
>And that is better than what I make for take home pay!
>But then again, I only have a Masters.

Taxes, professional associations, retirement savings are the responsibility of the employee in almost all industries, including teaching.

My source for the "average" teacher salary (incl. longevity stipend) is slide 13 in this PDF:


The number isn't as clean as I would like (it is a "cost" to the school district, not a clear "salary" number, but I feel it is close enough... But I will conceede I was a bit loose in my terminology, and the true answer lies somewhere between my initial statements and Dos's statements. My main point was that is was not a "funny" number, based on a 12 month work year (that doean't exist), but on actual costs to the district for the teacher each year.


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