[geeks] keyboards for Mac

nate at portents.com nate at portents.com
Wed Sep 5 14:03:05 CDT 2007

> I remember getting my Mac G4 Tower and hooking it up to a PC keyboard
> and having a hell of a time figuring out how to get the CD open so I
> could actually install on it.

The PCI G4, Sawtooth G4, Gigabit G4, and Digital Audio G4 all had buttons
on the front of the case that physically connected with the CD/DVD drive's
eject button.  G4 models after that would require a keyboard eject, or
physical access to the drive.

> I don't recall if I ever did find the right key sequence to get the CD
> to open, or I just took the drive out and opened it with a paper clip.

If you don't have a keyboard with a dedicated eject key on it, you can
simply hold down F12 on any USB keyboard hooked up to a Mac to eject a CD
in OS X (not sure if that works in OS 9.2.2 or not, been a while since
I've used that OS version).

- Nate

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