[geeks] Apple Pro, CPU upgrades

Mark md.benson at gmail.com
Sat Sep 15 03:23:27 CDT 2007

On 15 Sep 2007, at 08:07, Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:

> Does anyone know if it is possible to upgrade the CPUs in an Apple Mac
> Pro?
> I was thinking of getting the low end quad-core model on the  
> assumption
> that later when quad-core Xeon CPUs dropped to sane prices, I could
> upgrade.
> Does Apple do anything funky with their motherboards to prevent this?

Not as far as anyone has found. I went for the lowest-end model on  
the same assumption so I hope it works :)

I have seen reports of the CPUs being successfully swapped for other  
51xx (2-core) and 53xx (4-core) units. I don't know that they will  
support the new 7x00 Xeons however.

All Apple's Intel units have socket CPUs and seem to be relatively  
upgradable within their allied CPU types.

What are you planning on using the machine for? I find mine has a  
shit-tonne of power even at 2GHz, so I don't think and upgrade is on  
the card s for mine for a few years yet. When it gets to then someone  
like OWC, Sonnet or XLR8 will probably be pedaling upgrade kits for  
them (no doubt at highly inflated prices - but at least you can find  
out what chip is in them).

Mark Benson

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