[geeks] OS X 10.5 tid-bit

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Tue Sep 25 10:12:24 CDT 2007

On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 07:46:18AM +0100, Mark wrote:
> I just ramped my Mac Pro up to 2GB - it's a different machine - I  
> swear! Having all 4 channels of the 4-lane FB-DIMM bus populated on  
> an Intel 5000X chipset, as well as the extra elbow room for stuff  
> like Parallels and Aperture, makes a big impact on performance (in a  
> positive way, obviously!).

I've had 2G in both my iMac (original 2Ghz Core Duo) and MacBook (same)
for about a year now, and I'm really happy with both of them.  Plenty of
room for VMWare/Parallels VMs, plenty fast, and it's really the first 
system I've ever had that I felt no need to upgrade.


Bill Bradford 
Houston, Texas

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