[geeks] Difference Engine at the Computer History Museum

Mark md.benson at gmail.com
Thu Apr 10 14:03:27 CDT 2008

On 10 Apr 2008, at 16:38, Lionel Peterson wrote:

> Seriously, IIRC Mr. Babbage never finished his design, so Nathan &  
> Co. are really to be commended, because they also had to debug it...
> Now, is this machine "Vista Capable"? ;^)
> Personally, I'm still on the fence regarding the Micro-KIM mentioned  
> yesterday... I want it, but it really would be a shelf queen...
> Maybe after TCF, when I am flush with money from a few select items.

I believe I saw that part-built in the Science Museum when I went last  
year with a friend. The complete one was stood next to it. Fascinating  
bits of kit those. The ultimate in analogue computing ;)

Mark Benson

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