[geeks] Dell T105 drive bay fan

Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Fri Apr 25 08:56:10 CDT 2008

On Apr 24, 2008, at 23:22 , Nate wrote:

>> Without the fan, the lower drive bay has no wind moving by it at all.
>> Dell should be shipping the fan with SATA and SAS, not just SAS.
> Are you sure?
> http://labs.google.com/papers/disk_failures.pdf
> "Contrary to previously reported results, we found very little  
> correlation between failure rates and either elevated temperature or  
> activity levels."

Yes, I'm sure.

They also found that SCSI was no better than SATA if I recall correctly.

I've been installing hard drives, thousands of them, for over 20 years  

The hot ones, the ones that vibrate a lot, and the cheap ones die.

Shannon Hendrix
shannon at widomaker.com

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