[geeks] Has anyone tried the Asus eee 10"

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Thu Aug 7 21:18:08 CDT 2008

>From: hike <mh1272 at gmail.com>
>Date: 2008/08/07 Thu PM 05:14:30 EDT
>To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: Re: [geeks] Has anyone tried the Asus eee 10"

>I understand.  I sold my laptops this past weekend and am thinking about an
>eee/hp 2133-type laptop.
>I used a 7" eee for a while and connected it to a USB keyboard & mouse and a
>17" monitor.  It was pretty good for a internet station when at a desktop.
>It was easy to carry around but my old, tired eyes couldn't handle the type
>type on the 7" screen.

The 7" eee is nice, but I dislike the trackpad - I just today ordered some bluetooth adapters to use with a bluetooth mouse - the adapters are so small, they barely stick out past the side of the USB port. I'm OK with the screen and keyboard - I surf more than I type...

The larger screens get too close to a full-size laptop for my taste, and the cost approaches them as well. Ultimately, they are going to make the eee laptops the same as a low-end celeron laptop with better battery life, IMHO.

BTW, Newegg (and other retailers) appear to be offering $100 rebates on some of the "older" 900 models (larger screen/keyboard, better battery life, IIRC) for about $429 after rebate[0].


[0] http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220351

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