[geeks] javascript tutorial sought?

Francois Dion francois.dion at gmail.com
Tue Aug 12 16:05:08 CDT 2008

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 11:15 AM, der Mouse <mouse at rodents-montreal.org> wrote:
>> If you don't want to rethink your protocol to fit over HTTP, then I'm
>> not sure what to recommend.
> The problem with HTTP here is that it's fundamentally stateless: the
> client contacts the server very briefly, sends over a data blob,
> receives another data blob in return - and then disconnects, each to go
> their own way, until the client next wants to talk to the server.  This
> isn't much good for something like a networked game between two or more
> people; I want something much more a la "establish long-lived
> connection".  But I really don't want to layer TCP over HTTP, which is
> where that is headed.
> Yes, there are kludges grafted onto HTTP to provide long-lived
> connection state.  Perhaps I can get away with one of them....
>> Otherwise, Java is the only way I can think of to develop for Windows
>> without ever touching a Windows machine.
> jp suggested, indirectly, a Java applet.  I'll be looking into that.

Did my email make it to the list? I suggested a Java app. Using the
latest netbeans it is fairly simple to do what you want to do. In
fact, I believe that the RCP book has a good card game skeleton you
could use. Netbeans with swing is a pretty sweet way to make platform
independent software. Solaris, OSX, Windows etc.


I'm pretty sure the rcp examples are available through the update
center somewhere.

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