[geeks] Weird MacOS issue

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Wed Dec 24 05:00:43 CST 2008

On 24/12/2008, at 11:02, Mike Meredith wrote:

> On Tue, 23 Dec 2008 21:52:34 -0500, Shannon Hendrix wrote:
>>> Rumor is that 10.6 aka snow leopard will be ZFS.
>> I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to use it until others had bled on
>> it first.
> Not for anything important at least.

I'm using it now with 4x1TB disks in a RAIDZ.  The one major issue  
I've had with it is case-sensitivity and iTunes.  To iTunes, there's  
no difference between "Wall Of Voodoo" and "Wall of Voodoo", but to  
zfs there is, and iTunes forgets where to look where it put the music,  
and can't find it.

I get an occasional kernel panic if the connection to my RAID is  
interrupted unexpectedly, but happily that doesn't happen often enough  
to worry about.


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