[geeks] Flicker users u in arms over MS acquisition...

Geoffrey S. Mendelson gsm at mendelson.com
Mon Feb 4 04:28:05 CST 2008

On Mon, Feb 04, 2008 at 11:07:55AM +0100, Chris H. wrote:

> "
> Reuters is reporting that Yahoo might consider a business alliance
> with Google as a way to top a $44.6 billion takeover proposal by
> Microsoft. 

I'm not sure which would be worse, Yahoo merging with Google or being
bought by Microsoft. This has nothing to do with my anti-google feelings,
it comes more from a desire to see diversity in the Internet and if
google and Yahoo merge, then they will become like each other.

One of the nice things about Yahoo is that it was not google, and it
was not Microsoft or AOL. Merging with any of them removes one more
choice from the field. 

As far as Yahoo not being worth 60% more than it's market capitalization,
that is just pure hype.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel gsm at mendelson.com  N3OWJ/4X1GM
IL Voice: (07)-7424-1667 U.S. Voice: 1-215-821-1838 
Visit my 'blog at http://geoffstechno.livejournal.com/

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