[geeks] Flicker users u in arms over MS acquisition...

Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Mon Feb 4 19:24:49 CST 2008

On Feb 4, 2008, at 2:50 PM, Sandwich Maker wrote:

> " From: Shannon Hendrix <shannon at widomaker.com>
> "
> " On Feb 4, 2008, at 10:59 AM, Brian Dunbar wrote:
> "
> " >> Microsoft wants to be the sole supplier of computer software
> " >> worldwide.
> " >> End of story.
> " >>
> " >
> " > When you put it like that ... well it's rather elegant: a business
> " > doing what it does (maximi$e profit$) the most efficient way it  
> can.
> "
> " That is not the proper function of business.
> "
> " Business is merely one tool of many for the operation of a  
> civilization.
> "
> " A business which focuses only on profit is a broken business.
> but by its inherent nature the corporation is one-dimensional; it's
> overriding purpose is to make money for stockholders.  -anything- it
> does along the way is mrerely a side effect.  there are no other
> carrots, and the only sticks are legal ones.

That's the result of law changes around 100 years ago though, or  
that's a large factor anyway.

It's not necessary that it be that way.

The irony really is that you make more money if you don't do that,  
it's just that certain individuals do better otherwise.

> [i'll add that i believe strongly that not knowing anything about the
> widgets your corporation makes its money from is dangerously
> narrow-minded, but b-school dogma is that only money matters]
> " It's not sustainable to operate that way, and it does a lot of
> " unacceptable damage even if it were.
> agreed - but how do you change the corporate ecology so that they
> -want- to operate [more] sustainably?

Bastille Day... :)

Shannon Hendrix
shannon at widomaker.com

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