[geeks] Sometimes luck IS on my side

Mike F lists at ibrew.net
Wed Feb 27 14:52:16 CST 2008

Wish I could say the same - I've got a 12" iBook G3 that seems to be  
having logic board problems. Sometimes it will boot, sometimes it  
won't; when it does, shortly thereafter the screen will display a  
solid background and a pattern of stripes. At this point, only a hard  
reboot will revive it. Anyone have any clues? I recently added a 512mb  
dimm to this machine, although the stripes only started a week or 2  
after that, so that may or may not be the cause.

- Mike

On Feb 27, 2008, at 3:27 PM, Micah R Ledbetter <vlack-lists at vlack.com>  

> Today, I went into the Apple store to have them look at a problem I  
> was having with my Powerbook G4 12": sound didn't usually play  
> through the speakers, even though it worked sometimes, but it always  
> played fine if I plugged in some headphones. Turns out, it's a logic  
> board problem. I'm so happy that I had this problem on THIS side of  
> March 9(ish), because I'm out of warranty then. This machine is  
> almost exactly 3 years old.
> It doesn't happen very often, but I'm always really grateful when it  
> does. Yay!
> - Micah
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