[geeks] Playstation 3 + HD-DVD

Mark md.benson at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 12:55:24 CST 2008

On 14 Jan 2008, at 12:06, Sridhar Ayengar wrote:

> I wonder how hard it would be to hack a Playstation 3 to make able to
> talk to the Xbox360's external HD-DVD player.  I also wonder whether
> anyone's already working on it.

My best suggestion would be that if the XBox360 drive is USB, which I  
believe it is, the *hardware* may work with PS3 Linux, but that alone  
won't play the movies as you require H.264 support (not an issue on  
it's own AFAIK) AND the codec to play back material protected by the  

Looking at it from that POV make it look difficult to me as any HD- 
DVD, or for that matter Blu-Ray, player for Linux will need  
proprietary code to play the discs. I don't know how this would sit  
with Linux hippies, and also if studios and software vendors would  
even support the idea for fear of reverse engineering.

I believe there is a CSS support package for CSS encrypted DVDs. I  
don't know of any HD-DVD/Blu-Ray support packages of a similar type.

Mark Benson

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