[geeks] DVD install of MacOS 10.5.3 or 10.5.4

Mark md.benson at gmail.com
Tue Jul 29 13:46:50 CDT 2008

On 29 Jul 2008, at 19:28, Shannon Hendrix wrote:

> Yes, but I don't want to buy a new machine to update my DVD...

I wasn't insisting, imply or inferring you did. I was pointing out  
that Apple *do* update their OS CDs regularly (well at least semi- 
regularly), contrary to your rather blunt assignation that they did no  
such thing. As I said, on release of new hardware that requires a  
later version of OS X, new DVDs are shipped to stores and the hardware  
ships with new DVDs, both are typically updated versions of OS X of a  
later 10.x.x revision. I am unsure if this has been done for Leopard  
yet, and I have no sure-fire way of knowing.

This at least proves they bother to do what you said they didn't, the  
issue is they don't supply that updated image to the consumer who's  
already purchased, which I'm sure we can agree on.

> I want to go to the Apple Store or online and, as an existing  
> faithful customer, get an updated install disk.
> Failing that, instructions for making my own.

How do you do that legitimately. That's the question here.

> As far as piracy goes: everyone that wants MacOS a free copy of  
> already gets one, so I don't see that as a valid argument.
> The irony is that before long the pirates will have full 10.5.4  
> install media before legitimate customer can get it.

You are not Apple, Inc. From our POV it's easy to say 'ahh screw it  
everyone pirates it anyway'. Sure, we know that. Apple, however, also  
know that and would be a bunch of *fools* to make it *even easier and  
more attractive* to pirate the image. Microsoft won't so it for you  
unless you have a volume license, and neither will Apple, both OSs are  
pirated to hell and back, but both companies insist on working the  
same way, because you *must pay somehow* to get a copy of the OS in  
their eyes. It's broken, it's silly and it's wrong, but it's why this  
is the case.

It's all very well standing on your Sun/Linux/BSD soapbox and singing  
the songs of 1000 ships about having monthly updated images to  
download and share amongst the good peoples and this that and the  
other, but the fact is it doesn't lose Sun, Canonical, Fedora, NetBSD,  
OpenBSD etc. any *hard cash* if someone decides to download the image.

Like I said before, I'd love a legitimate and easy way of doing it  
that every Apple user could use, I'm sure all those people asking for  
the same would too. I don't read Apple support forums, for the record,  
they make me nauseous. I do read a few very good an notable Apple  
related Blogs however and *never once* has this been raised as an  
issue. Not defacto, but it's a sign that commentators are not really  
picking up on this as the next big issue.

The truth is it's not easy to do for Apple so they won't do it. Screw  
what you and me think, we don't run the company.

Mark Benson

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