[geeks] DVD install of MacOS 10.5.3 or 10.5.4

Mark md.benson at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 01:17:47 CDT 2008

On 30 Jul 2008, at 05:56, Shannon Hendrix wrote:

> Apple ships 10.5.2 with a machine, Apple owner pirates it or gives  
> it to a pirate.

Ah, there's a hang-up there though because a lot of machine-supplied  
boot DVDs won't boot all machines, or at least it was the case  
historically. I guess for every given Mac there's probably 5 images  
for the boot DVD on BitTorrent though, so I guess you could be right...

> For that matter a good number of the pirate images come from Apple  
> employees and partners.
> The torrent sites are full of them.
> Don't make any suggestions... :)

I wouldn't want Uncle Bill hauled up in front of his Steveness, don't  
worry ;)

> The tools do suck, but the procedure to make a slipstreamed WinXP  
> install is pretty easy.  If you can burn a data CD/DVD, you can do  
> this.  It's only 2-3 extra steps.
> The Windows service packs are designed for this process, it's just a  
> command line option.
> Even some third party software supports slipstreaming.

Odd, because it didn't work when I did it. I'm maybe just a muppet ;)

Mark Benson

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