[geeks] DVD install of MacOS 10.5.3 or 10.5.4

Mark md.benson at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 13:19:18 CDT 2008

On 30 Jul 2008, at 19:13, Shannon Hendrix wrote:

> A lot of the pirate copies are straight retail though, so they boot
> anything, but you do lose the system specific diagnostic.

Wait, so you can find a updated Pirate DVD image that boots anything
online, and you own a license for OS X. Why not use that one? I know
it's not 'official' but it works don't it?

>> Odd, because it didn't work when I did it. I'm maybe just a muppet ;)
> I've made several of them, works great.

Yeh I've got 3, one for my Sun JWS, one for general use, and one for
the Mac Pro. BUT I made them all in nLite :P

> I'm going to make an SP3 DVD pretty soon.
> Gotta keep the Wintendo updated.

Yup I need to do a SP3 slipstream sometime too. I've been giving SP#
the usual Microsoft WideBearth 2008 treatment ;)

Mark Benson

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