[geeks] Socialized medicine [was Re: nVidia 8800GT for Apple Mac Pro]
mh1272 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 12:10:42 CDT 2008
On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 12:30 PM, Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at verizon.net>
> >From: Sandwich Maker <adh at an.bradford.ma.us>
> >Date: 2008/06/02 Mon AM 10:02:39 EDT
> >To: geeks at sunhelp.org
> >Subject: Re: [geeks] Socialized medicine [was Re: nVidia 8800GT for Apple
> Mac Pro]
> >" From: Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at verizon.net>
> >"
> >" >From: Sandwich Maker <adh at an.bradford.ma.us>
> >"
> >" >" From: Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at gmail.com>
> >"
> >" <snip>
> >"
> >" >" Many religious people feel their lives have a purpose, and that their
> >" >" purpose comes from their God, should that prevent them from holding
> >" >" the office of President? Or is it all ok, she/he just can't say it
> out
> >" >" loud (dont't ask, don't tell?)
> >" >
> >" >i think it should, if they feel the need to reform society and direct
> >" >the affairs of others in accordance with their personal beliefs,
> >" >without tolerance for other viewpoints.
> >" >
> >" >that would be an extreme case, but i believe that even in a minor
> >" >degree it would be an ethical violation of the principle of separation
> >" >of church and state. could a president of strong faith take a stand
> >" >contrary to his/her faith if it's in the best interests of the
> >" >country, or would he/she be unable to see the dilemma?
> >"
> >" How so - because the potential exists, it is an exclusionary criteria? I
> think
> >" not.
> >
> >the potential does exist, and how/where do you draw the line? one may
> >be devout and aware of the paradoxes of daily life, and another be
> >blindly devout. we put leaders in place to serve our country, not
> >their religion. i think that means they should put their religion
> >-second-, whatever it is, in political matters.
> All men, religious or not, have the potential for both good AND evil, and
> all politicians should announce their religious beliefs so that the voters
> can look for *evidence* of disagreeable priorities, not so they can paint
> them with *imagined* or *feared* problems associated with their religion...
> >" Josiah Bartlett was able to be a devout Catholic *and* be a good
> democratic
> >" president on TV, so why couldn't a real person do it? Must all
> Presidents
> >" actually be "godless"? Be careful what you wish for...
> >
> >correct me if i'm wrong [i watch nearly no commercial tv], but
> >bartlett's a fictional character invented by some writers, right? as
> >such his real purpose is to attract viewers so the network can make
> >fore money from commercials. he is the hollywood apparition of a
> >devout catholic in a hollywood soap opera about politics but i don't
> >think it can be taken any farther.
> Fair enough - having exhausted Wikipedia references, I turned to a TV
> character - please feel free to add a smiley to the above quote from me.
> Fan an actual example of the contridiction existing within a single person
> and *not* being offensive, I turn to Senator Harry Reid, a pro-life
> individual [0], majority leader of a pro-choice political party [1], and a
> member of a pro-life church [2]...
> I wrote my previous post on an iPhone, and I found it hard to gather
> "ammunition" on that device (I can't figure out how to cut and paste URLs,
> hence the snopes.com/snipes.com typo, which had an interesting humour
> aspect to it)...
> Lionel
> [0] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGP972Z6nJY (he declares his position
> before the first 30 seconds are up)
> [1] http://democrats.org/a/2008/01/roe_v_wade_anni.php
> [2]
> http://www.lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=bbd508f54922d010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&sourceId=63c139b439c98010VgnVCM1000004d82620a____
> _______________________________________________
> GEEKS: http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/geeks
Wow! Basing reality on fiction!?!
I really can't believe I am commenting on the spiritual life of a
fictional/made-up "character"!
The writers ONLY wrote the character to behave in a manner that was "good
enough" to be described as "devout Catholic".
Any politician who acts/acted as the West Wing character is NOT a
representation of either a "devout Catholic" or, as I assume the poster to
mean (even though the wrong term was used) a "devout Roman Catholic". Any
claims to be a "devout Catholic/Roman Catholic" by an actual
politician/officeholder that acts as the "West Wing" character is a liar and
a hypocrite!
I did not know Senator Harry Reid was pro-life and attended a pro-life
Is there any recorded instance where the Senator proclaims the pro-life
stance as his own?
Senators Kennedy and Kerry (both of Massachusetts) claimed to be "Roman
Catholic" but personally are pro-choice, that is, they are at odds with
their own church. Is there evidence that Senator Reid is any different.
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