[geeks] more eBay bullcrap

Rick Hamell hamellr at gmail.com
Fri Jun 6 16:13:28 CDT 2008

Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> On Jun 6, 2008, at 11:47 , Joshua Boyd wrote:
>> If you said that you had a matching message in their web site
>> message notification area, then I overlooked it.
> The thread split too, at least it did in Mail.app.
> Man, Apple needs to learn how to do threading.
>> All unexpected emails from ebay or paypal are ignored, but I do make a
>> point to then log into the real site to look for messages there just in
>> case they weren't fake emails.
> Yeah.  eBay has no response so far on this, which is typical.  They have 
> glaringly obvious bugs in their website and instead of saying "OK, 
> thanks, we'll fix it", they argue that it isn't a bug or even come up 
> with incredibly bizarre explanations that border on occult phenomena.

Interesting enough, the ONLY time I get an email from Ebay any longer is 
when they're sending me the invoice to pay them money. No matter what my 
preferences say other wise which I've both turned on and turned off.

Rick Hamell
Tech Blog - http://www.1nova.com/blog
Pacific Northwest Photo Blog - http://www.1nova.com/photoblog

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