[geeks] more eBay bullcrap

Phil Stracchino alaric at metrocast.net
Fri Jun 6 20:19:49 CDT 2008

Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> I heard from another guy last year who said that he stopped getting  
> any of his sales or purchase emails, and eBay never would fix it.  He  
> finally gave up and created a new account, and just checks the old one  
> now and then to see if it is working again.
> You'd think eBay would really want to know what's wrong...
> Last year I showed them a glaring search error, and they refused to  
> acknowledge it, and all of my forum posts about it were deleted.

eBay has become completely dysfunctional, IMHO.

  Phil Stracchino, CDK#2     DoD#299792458     ICBM: 43.5607, -71.355
  alaric at caerllewys.net   alaric at metrocast.net   phil at co.ordinate.org
         Renaissance Man, Unix ronin, Perl hacker, Free Stater
                 It's not the years, it's the mileage.

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