[geeks] Intel Atom MB - Initial Impressions

Mark md.benson at gmail.com
Wed Jun 11 14:25:24 CDT 2008

On 11 Jun 2008, at 19:50, Rick Hamell wrote:

>> *Everyone* has problems with VIA chipsets, they suck period. After  
>> my last VIA-based AthlonXP board died of mystery not soft-or-hard- 
>> resetting problems, then my dad's identical board did the same  
>> (Both ASUS A7V8Xs -
> Wow... I knew people hated VIA, but I personally have never had any  
> issues with them in any of my own machines and I use(d) them  
> exclusively  since at least '96. When I worked in sales we sold  
> thousands of VIA-based boards with an extremely low failure rate for  
> PC parts.

That's because VIA stuff doesn't fail, it's just bad to start with. A  
lot of people just live with it that way. I wasn't about to toss my  
boards when they developed issues, I just took quiet note of yet  
another ViA screw-up and lived with it.

Mark Benson

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