[geeks] EVE: the new addition...

Mark md.benson at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 02:00:09 CDT 2008

On 17 Jun 2008, at 00:34, Phil Stracchino wrote:

> Shannon Hendrix wrote:
>> Through a process completely out of my own control, I have been  
>> sucked
>> into the EVE universe and can't get out.
>> Anyone else here play?

Meeee! *Waves hand*.

> I've looked at it with curiosity in the past.  The major thing that
> dissuades me from trying it is that I understand once you leave the
> beginner areas, it's ALL PvP.  And frankly, I *hate* PvP.  There's
> always some asshat hanging around in the low-level areas picking off  
> the
> low-hanging fruit, and then vanishing before high-level friendlies can
> get there.

I don't much like PvP either but in EVE it's something that comes with  
the territory.

That's why good corporations are such a huge key to success. If you  
are inexperienced in low sec combat the best idea is to get a good  
export from some buddies in your corp. I participated in quite a few  
in my former corp. Also make sure you take the usual precautions of  
having a dead space escape point, and keeping your eye on the LOCAL  
channel for potential hostiles.

>> Anyway, I decided to pay for 3 months and see how I like it.
>> One nice thing is it can be interesting without spending endless time
>> in the game, and a couple of pirates loaned me enough money to buy a
>> destroyer...
> "loaned"....?   :)

People are very generous a lot of the time, even the pirates.

Mark Benson

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