[geeks] Linux Web Kiosk

Mike Meredith very at zonky.org
Sun Mar 2 14:38:26 CST 2008

On Sun, 02 Mar 2008 09:34:33 -0500, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> Mark wrote:
> > I have a small embedded machine that I am developing a web-based
> > quite in PHP on and I want to use the box itself as a standalone
> > demo unit. I would like to know if it was possible to have Xorg
> > start up with a maximized Firefox window with no border or widget
> > controls on the screen?  I am running Ubuntu Gutsy (PPC) and have
> > no X desktop installed.
> This is trivial.  It's not an X function, it's a window manager
> function.

Seems a bit of a shame to run a window manager to do ... well not a lot

Just create a .xsession file for a specific user :-

exec firefox -height 1024 -width 1280

It won't start firefox automatically, but tinkering with GDM should
get you an 'autologin' option. You could also investigate setting up
something equivalent to an /etc/inittab line which would run "startx"
as a particular user.

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