[geeks] [rescue] Airport Security and Rescues...

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Sun Mar 30 00:18:34 CDT 2008

> >Remeber, they got into the cockpit but the passengers on 93 couldn't break the 
> door down with a food cart.  Makes me wonder....
> Maybe if they didn't eat all those salty snacks and drink all that free soda it 
> might have been heavier and broken the door?
> Bob, I don't think they even locked the doors up through 9/11/01 - the 
> terrorists were more afraid of the passengers than the flight crew was. A bad 
> decision, in hind-sight, but hind-sight is (nearly) always 20-20...
That was my point.  All the talk of reinforcing the doors is moot if they don't lock the damn things.  They were probably OK before 9/11, just needed to be locked.  Those passengers at least tried to break down the door with something.  The door held.  Maybe they were strong enough.


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