[geeks] Chinese buying Macs?

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Sun May 4 11:11:49 CDT 2008

>From: Rick Hamell <hamellr at gmail.com>
>Date: 2008/05/03 Sat PM 11:05:10 CDT
>To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: [geeks] Chinese buying Macs?

>I'm trying to sell a Dual 2.7gh PowerMac G5 on Craigslist.
>In the last two weeks I've gotten roughly a dozen hits on it. 8 of those 
>have been from Chinese people. This is odd because Portland has an 
>extremely small Asian population percentage wise. And having just sold 
>another G5 a month ago, I didn't get a single Chinese person at all.
>Not trying to be racist here, but three or four would have been an 
>extremely strange coincidence. Eight has to be a conspiracy. Is some 
>Chinese company (or Government,) trying to stock up on Power PC chips 
>for some reason?

You didn't say, but I assume they were all local?

Maybe just a coincidence - if the Chineese Gov't was trying to collect fast PowerPC components, I would be suprised if there wasn't a cheaper/easier way to accomplish that goal...


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