[geeks] nVidia 8800GT for Apple Mac Pro

Rick Hamell hamellr at gmail.com
Wed May 21 16:14:46 CDT 2008

> Is Israel 220?  They sell these in Europe, so I'm sure that's not an 
> issue.  The big problem would be getting games if you get a US PS3, 
> since they are region-locked AFAIK.  You *may* be able to change the 
> region (iirc, PS2 was 5 changes, then whatever you set last was locked), 
> but I can't say for sure.
> I don't know if there are any region hacks to ignore region on the PS3.

I'm sure there are as most of these are firmware hacks on the CD-Rom 
drive itself. Or the CDRom drive can be replaced with a different model, 
same brand region free one.

This is pretty common in the Mac world where the drive is frequently a 
rebadged and re-firmwared version of a different model.

Rick Hamell
Tech Blog - http://www.1nova.com/blog
Pacific Northwest Photo Blog - http://www.1nova.com/photoblog

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