[geeks] printer test page?

Dave Fischer dave at cca.org
Tue Nov 4 12:11:42 CST 2008

lionel4287 at gmail.com writes:

>There was a list member a few years ago that "drew" a cartoon in  
>postscript that played off the editor battles (vi vs. emacs) - that  
>would make a good test page IMHO.

I do a lot of work in raw postscript, and there was a cartoon based
on an emacs/vi quote of mine, but I didn't make the cartoon.

If that's what you're thinking of...

(Thinkgeek used to sell a t-shirt of it.)

------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org ------
------------------ September 13, 1999: NEVER FORGET! ----------------------

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