Jon Gilbert jjj at io.com
Wed Oct 1 23:48:03 CDT 2008

On Oct 1, 2008, at 6:24 PM, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:

> 99.99% of the IRQL BSOD's I've gotten and heard of other people  
> getting
> were easily resolved. The message would make more sense if it said:
> "You have bad memory. This memory will pass any test you give it, but
>  fails under the load of a real system."
> I've even run memtest on memory with the deepest possible test for a  
> week,
> and had it IRQL within minutes under Windows. The same memory ran  
> for months
> on linux before failures showed up. Once they did the computer would  
> not boot,
> so it really was bad.

Thanks, I'll try a different memory chip.

Incidentally, since it's related to memory, could the page file have  
any relation to this error? Also, what's up with the "Unknown"  
device... any ideas on that? Thanks.

Jon Gilbert
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