[geeks] gold recovery from certain motherboards?

Mike Hebel nimitz at nimitzbrood.com
Thu Oct 16 13:28:22 CDT 2008

A talking watermelon whispered a message to me from: Patrick Giagnocavo
> I have a few motherboards from old workstations that seem to have more
> than the usual amount of gold on them; traces are gold, not just the
> contacts.
> Does anyone have suggestions as to how to easily:
> 1) determine if the gold is worth recovering
> 2) remove the gold for purposes of selling it
> I am told that some recyclers have a big smelter, and the circuit boards
> are dumped in by the 50-gallon barrel load, then the gold is paid for
> after the smelting operation is done. However I do not have that
> quantity of boards.
> Ideas, thoughts, experience all welcome.

The dark side of the force that is...

Motherboards lead you to cpus,
CPUs lead you to Vaxen,
Gold stealing Vaxen leads you to suffering.

I fear much motherboards in you...

There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.
		-- Dr. Who

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