[geeks] Liber-fascism

Jonathan Groll lists at groll.co.za
Sun Oct 26 04:33:37 CDT 2008

On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 05:25:15PM -0400, der Mouse wrote:
>>> I pay my taxes happily and, guess what?  I'm willing to pay more if
>>> my children live in a better world as a result.
>> Why would you rather pay for services under the threat of force
>> instead of voluntarily?
>I didn't write the double-quoted text above, but it seems obvious to me
>that the answer tothe single-quoted text is "nobody has found any other
>way to support the kind of population density that's inevitable at
>today's population without that".
>There's a quote, which entirely from memory (I'm too lazy to look up
>the details, because they don't matter to what I'm saying) goes
>something like:
>	Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the
>	others that have been tried.  --Winston Churchill
>Yes, governments suck.  But all the indications (including times when
>people have tried to live without it in more than tiny numbers) are
>that absence of government rapidly sucks even worse.  The farm you
>cited as an example works only because there is a government, with its
>threat of deadly force backing it, preventing the local brigands that
>would otherwise overrun your farm from existing.
>Indeed, the local brigands - and the banding-together of people to
>defend against their ilk - are the first rudimentary governments.
>Today's governments are just the same thing, grown to the scales
>necessitated by the number of people invovled.
>If you don't like governments, I suggest you leave.  Somalia might be a
>good place; there isn't much of a government there.  Or perhaps
>somewhere out on the high seas.  Just don't expect anyone to come to
>your rescue when a bigger - or better-armed - band of people overrun
>you; that's something governments do.

..and yet we all need to be extremely vigilant for the scenario where
the 'elected' government becomes the biggest gang of them all (as in
Zimbabwe at present).


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