[geeks] education systems around the world

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 26 12:03:28 CDT 2008

On Oct 26, 2008, at 6:06 AM, Mike Meredith <very at zonky.org> wrote:

> On Sat, 25 Oct 2008 15:48:15 -0500 (CDT), Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
>>> Governments always work with the threat of force.
>> Which my underlying disagreement with them.
> I'm also not a great fan of governments. But pragmatically I'll put up
> with them until something better comes along.
>> I believe it would be the truly rare example of a crap parent who, in
>> this day and age, would not see the benefits of education.  At the
> The obvious thing to point out is that the UN charter of rights wasn't
> come up with "in this day and age" but in 1948 when things were very
> different. And I'm not entirely sure that 'crap parents' are 'truly
> rare'.

I agree - the drop-out rate here in the US of A is too high, and  
parental involvement tends to be either feast or famine, eithter  
"helicoptor" or "indifferent" - both of which rise to the threshold of  
'crap' parenting.


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