[geeks] power (was Mr. Bill)

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Wed Sep 17 13:34:46 CDT 2008

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 01:38:26PM -0400, Jonathan Katz wrote:
> Why can't this vulnerability in our infrastructure be fixed?

1.  Horribly expensive to retrofit existing infrastructure.

2.  Whiny people who dont want to give up 12' of their land so that there's
places to bury the cables.

2a.  People who whine louder when eminent domain or right-of-way is used.

2b.  Those are usually the same people who bitch that Starbucks is closed
while driving around in their Land Rover looking for someone to kiss their
ass after a natural disaster.

and so forth.  Yes, I'm grumpy.  I'm wearing plaid shorts and a navy blue
tshirt, flagrantly violating company dress code because I have no way to
run my washer/dryer.  


Bill Bradford 
Houston, Texas

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