[geeks] power (was Mr. Bill)

Jonathan Katz jon at jonworld.com
Wed Sep 17 13:44:01 CDT 2008

>> Why can't this vulnerability in our infrastructure be fixed?
> 1.  Horribly expensive to retrofit existing infrastructure.
> 2.  Whiny people who dont want to give up 12' of their land so that  
> there's
> places to bury the cables.

There is already a utility right-of-way on most property because of  
gas and water lines; the issue is the running of the line from the  
right-of-way to the house; someone's yard will need to be dug up. If  
done as a neighborhood-by-neighborhood campaign the value of  
uninterrupted power could easily be sold. The cost of the outages  
would offset the cost of installation, I'm thinking.


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